
Sunday, March 11

First butterfly visitor of the year

First butterfly visitor of the year. (Click to see more detail.)
Anyone know what kind of butterfly this is?  With the camera picking up details my eyes couldn't catch, it almost looks a little mothy.  (Side note: The plant he's sitting on is a flowering bok choy. True story!)  He and his buds were as eager as I was to get out in the sun after these last few days of clouds and rain.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm absolutely ecstatic about the rain -- all 1.96 inches of it that fell on my yard. I'm just equally enamored by cool, sunny afternoons. We don't have too many more of them left this year before the heat really turns on to bake. I can't help but revel in the temperature today.

Despite the perfect weather to be out in the garden, I'm holding off until after March 15th before planting my tomato, cucumber, and zucchini transplants. (I really do need to get a post up about them!) Austin's average last frost date is March 15.  Although I'm eager to see if I can grow a significant amount of tomatoes this year, I've been nurturing these plants since they were seeds on January 1st. I have to keep reminding myself that they are warmer weather plants. I certainly don't want to throw away all that time, love, and energy because of a little impatience!

1 comment:

  1. It's a red admiral!
