This morning I was digging up one of the squares in my garden box and building up the determination to yank out the pumpkin plant that, sadly, didn't manage to produce this season.
Trying to untangle the scratchy vines from the netting , I yelped when I suddenly noticed this guy staring at me.
He was pretty patient while I clumsily dug within inches of his face. He didn't move. I don't think he blinked. I'm so glad I saw him before plunging my trowel into his little bit of home (or worse). Now that he's uncovered, I'll give him some time to move on his own. Otherwise, I'll try relocating him to another shady part of the yard.
Hopefully a part of the yard unnoticed by the cats.
Camera Things (Part 1)
Man...It's be like forever - almost 2 years, really - since I've done a
blog entry. There's been a Sunshine Community Garden plant sale and
everything (sp...
6 years ago