
Wednesday, September 8

Tropical Storm Hermine

I went out to check the rain gage this morning and measured 7.92 inches.  This amount is since it started raining on Monday.  I didn't check the gage yesterday b/c I didn't want to get soaked. Lazy science! I didn't even realize we had a tropical system in the area, but I had heard in passing that it was going to rain Tuesday and Wednesday, so I shut off the automatic drip irrigation to the garden.

But 7.92 + inches in three days? I'm a little concerned about root rot in my raised bed now.  If it doesn't rain too much more today, and is able to dry out quickly, perhaps this isn't a big concern.

I hope the pecan tree in front is enjoying this good soaking, though.  It was showing signs of heat stress, according to my amateur research and opinion.  Might not be a good year for pecans (again). Bummer.

Another problem with the rain is falling down plants.  The okra plants were the worse hit.  Most of them were over five feet tall at the beginning of the week and this morning, about half were laying completely on their sides.  The main stem was still pliable and they hadn't uprooted themselves, so I bent them back up and then tied some twine around the whole lot of them.  Now they're squished together in places because it's still raining and I only hastily wrapped them together, but I hope the triage helps. Between me and the rain, a lot of okra blooms are on the ground. Might be the end of okra season for Andromeda this week, but it was a fun ride.

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