
Wednesday, December 9

First Hard Freeze

I hobbled out to the backyard to give the strawberry plants and the rest of the garden a good soaking before tonight's big freeze.  The lime tree also got a soaking and rinse, as that's what I remember the Florida farmers doing to keep the leaves of the tree at 32 degrees or more.  Hopefully, my yard's little micro-climate will stay out of the 20's tonight to give all my little plants a chance.

Time will tell!


  1. Update: The kale and swiss chard and even the lettuce made it through the freeze with flying colors. I couple of the cauliflowers were not so lucky. The strawberry plants look well, and as of today, 2/14/10, have developed new sets of leaves.

  2. Still not sure the lime tree made it. A shame. Hubris on my part, really. I shouldn't have been so lazy. If I'd planted it in a big pot I could schlep it into the garage for crazy cold nights. It looks bleak, but I'm waiting until May before I yank it for good.
